Maker Day @ Winter Park Library

We were at Maker Day at Winter Park Library this week. We had a table for kids (and adults) to hot glue recycled cork and popsicle boats / rafts and then test them out in a tub of water. It was nice to see many parents working with their children to design and create their own boats. We talked to kids about density and buoyancy and helped them hot glue their designs together. It’s exciting how many kids already had experience with a hot glue gun, and also nice to introduce them to first time users. We had a much bigger crowd than expected, so next year we plan on having more materials and activities ready. We had a lot of fun!!

We also had an Anycubic KOBRA Plus 3D printer setup and printing. Many people have still yet to see a 3D printer in action, so it was nice to be able to showcase one and explain how they work in general. We only had time to print a few things during the event of course, but those were also donated to children by the end of the day. If you have any questions about 3D printing, please feel free to contact us.

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