Reading Science @ PHA

We’ve been volunteer reading science books at The Parke House Academy for the last 5 years. We’ve only had time for 1 or 2 readings a school year, but kids can never have too much exposure to science. The questions and comments make it all worth it 🙂

Python Art

Posted by Joe Del Rocco Here are some pictures created with the Python turtle library by my CS0 (pre-CS1) students at Stetson University. These students are learning programming and computer science for the first time, and 30% of them are in non-computing majors.

Student Perceptions of Code Representation

Presenting at the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC) 2019 Text languages are perceived by many computer science students as difficult, intimidating, and/or tedious in nature. Conversely, blocks-based environments are perceived as approachable, but many students see them as inauthentic. Bidirectional hybrid environments provide textual and blocks-based representations of the same code,…

Integrating WebAssembly into Minetest

We’re working on integrating WebAssembly via SpiderMonkey VM into Minetest, an open-source, Minecraft-inspired, voxel game engine written in C++ with game functionality and plugins written in Lua. Our long term goal is to allow a multitude of languages to be used to write plugins for Minetest to be used for computer science education. Our codebase…

UCF Camp Connect

We had the pleasure of working w/ UCF Camp Connect this summer. Every year UCF hosts various STEM related camps, workshops, and activities for K-12 students. From their website: “Camp Connect is a week-long day camp that introduces students to a variety of engineering disciplines such as Electrical, Computer, Industrial, Mechanical, Aerospace, Civil, Environmental, Construction,…

STEM Night @ OSS

Last night we participated in Orlando Science School Elementary‘s “Family Technology Night.” This time we brought along an IR sensing teddy bear. The kids (and parents) really enjoyed seeing how cool/hot they were – and learning about different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. We presented the following exhibits: IR camera connected to Raspberry Pi 3…